BDC35A NiMH Battery for Sokkia SET 22B, SET 22D, SET 230R, SET 130R, SET 2010, SET 2110 total stations

Herkunftsort CHINA
Markenname Sokkia
Zertifizierung ISO CE
Modellnummer BDC35A
Min Bestellmenge 5 Stücke
Preis 40USD~45USD
Verpackung Informationen Kasten und Karton
Lieferzeit 3-5 Arbeitstag
Zahlungsbedingungen T/T
Versorgungsmaterial-Fähigkeit 1000 Stücke pro Monat

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Farbe Grau Spannung 7.2V
Kapazität 2700mAh Zellart NiMh
Größe 96mm × 75mm× 58mm Ladegerät CDC40
Verwendet für Sokkia-Tachymeter Bedingung Neu
Temperatur °C 10~40 Gewicht 273g
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BDC35A NiMH Battery for Sokkia SET 22B, SET 22D, SET 230R, SET 130R, SET 2010, SET 2110 Total Stations


Model: BDC35A



Voltage 7.2V
Weight 273g
Size 96mm × 75mm× 58mm
Type Ni-Mh
Capacity 2700mAh
Package Individual Box Package
Warranty 1 Year
Charger CDC40
Temperature 10~40 °C
Used For Sokkia Total Station



  • Equivalent to Sokkia BDC35A battery
  • Rechargeable
  • 6 Volts
  • 2700 mAh capacity
  • Compatible with Sokkia SET 22B, SET 22D, SET 230R, SET 130R, SET 2010, SET 2110 total stations


A reliable Source of Power

Modern survey instruments and systems are dependent on electronics. A reliable source of electrical power is essential for the smooth functioning of the instrument or system. The batteries available from Leica Geosystems are of the highest quality in respect of temperature tolerance, recharging capability, operating time and cycle behaviour.


Battery Maintenance

Please take battery out of machine if it has not been used for a long time.

Do not put battery with key and other metal together to avoid short circuit and causing a fire.

When the battery is discarded, please don’t throw it in the trash tin.

Keep the battery dry, avoid water and humidity, and keep it out of the reach of children.

No taking apart


Protecting the environment/disposal

For reasons of environmental protection and safety, used or defective batteries must not be thrown away. They must be correctly disposed of in a discharged state. Follow the national regulations on disposal.

BDC35A NiMH Battery for Sokkia SET 22B, SET 22D, SET 230R, SET 130R, SET 2010, SET 2110 total stations 0



BDC35A NiMH Battery for Sokkia SET 22B, SET 22D, SET 230R, SET 130R, SET 2010, SET 2110 total stations 1



BDC35A NiMH Battery for Sokkia SET 22B, SET 22D, SET 230R, SET 130R, SET 2010, SET 2110 total stations 2